Do You Really Need Friends to Thrive in College? Let's explore

Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.
Everyone talks about college, academics, friends but what about the ones who don't have them?!
Such students are certainly overlooked because neither anyone talks to them nor about them. No one has ever provided you or talked about surviving college without a bunch of snakes (oops, 'friends') but don't worry, I've got your back.
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When you don't have a bunch of people breathing down your neck every day, its easier to be in your own zone and do whatever you please.
You are able to do work according to you and know your boundaries. Such times are the best for self-development and growth since you don't have to reply to the group chat.
It gives you the best time to focus on yourself and ace your academics. Since no one is there to break your routine, you can prepare a schedule, follow it, and be the best version of yourself.

And let's admit, as much as it is tempting to have a group of friends, they very often break your routines or cross your boundaries, but since you don't have such people around you, it will be easier for you to do you!
And let me tell you a little secret: a few months or even a year down the line, when you will be the better and most desirable version of yourself, the same people who ignored you in the class would want to be your friends. But by then you will reach a point of high standard and self-preservation that you will not allow such people inside your bubble.
And all those toxic people and energies will automatically disappear from your life since you don't match their weak and complaining mindset. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
Self development
Has anyone ever told you that a solo date is the best date you can ever go on? no? No one will ever even tell you because everyone is so afraid to go out in public all by themselves, but trust me when I say this: being all by yourself rather than having poor company that hampers your peace is so much better.
Imagine going out, eating your favorite food, and watching the sunset without the stress of if the others are liking it or not. Isn't it wonderful? You might feel lonely at times and think that you need someone, and that is completely okay, but you should know that you are enough and that you are the best.
You don't have any fault or are missing anything; those people are just not meant to be with you. And the sooner you understand this, the better.
And when you will have that level of self-love and will have that energy, trust me, you will attract people that align with you and will bring out the best in yourself.
You will attract energies that will help you to grow; you will have that unmatchable aura that everyone yearns for, and then when you enter a room full of people, they will all look up to you and wish they could be in your place.
If you are a south campus student, then do I even need to mention that you can explore South Delhi to its core? I mean, people travel hours just to visit where your college resides, and you are giving up the wonderful opportunity just because you don't have friends? I mean, come on, we know you are better than that.
You can explore various malls in Saket or cafes in Hauz Khas or you can go to Lodhi Garden and explore natural beauty. You literally have so many options to choose from, and what you are choosing is letting them all down the drain? seriously?
There is a club for literally everything in Delhi; you can join a book club or a dance club or whatever suits your interest. Go out and enjoy your life while you still can; don't hold yourself back! There is so much that you can do on your own and explore that you will not even feel lonely.

There are various meetups and events happening in various cafes all across Delhi. They are just for people like you. Attend them, have fun, do fun activities, meet new people, and learn more about them; this way you will definitely learn a thing or two.
And if you love kids and dogs, you can even volunteer at NGOs; trust me, you will be so much happier when you see their smiling faces. Or choose the best option, find a hobby. It can be anything—art, dance, music. Join classes and pour your heart out.
Academics and Career
Be honest and tell me, on a scale of 1-10, how much peaceful and good it sounds to you that you can do whatever you please without seeking validation or pleasing others. (I rate it a 10)
No one is going to disturb you one day prior to the exam, asking for notes or getting mad at you because you haven't replied to their text as you were busy in your internship building a career. That, my friend is the benefit of not having friends in college who don't think beyond bunk and canteen (well, obviously, not all of them are like that)
You can do an internship, study, and ace your exams to their best because you have the most positive vibes and peace of mind rather than involving yourself in the chaos of others.
You can volunteer for various college events or can even join a society to expand your knowledge. You can sign up for various courses and apply for college internships to beautify your resume. Make the best use of time while you have it.
Now not only am I going to motivate you, but I will also tell you some tips on how to make friends because, as much as they give you a headache, they are an important headache of life and you just cannot be in your little sweet bubble all the time.
Join societies; it will give you exposure to various kinds of students from different backgrounds and courses and will increase your options.
Join in for group presentations (I know I said do them alone, but if you ever feel like it, then go for it). Talk to the students in your group; interact with them.
And if you are struggling to talk in college, you can join various clubs as well. For book lovers, we have Delhi Reads. You can also visit various cafes and places hosting workshops so that you get to know different people.
Or the best option, join Instagram or Facebook group chats; trust me, you will find hilarious and amazing people there, just perfect to match your vibe. You can even download apps like Clubhouse to match with the kind of people you desire.
Interact with students who sit with you or around you, because what's the worst that can happen? They will say no? They won't talk to you? So what? Its life moves on; you are not losing anything. Consider it as an opportunity passed. Don't stress out.
Enjoying your own company is the best treasure you can indulge yourself in. Know your worth and know that you are the best. Some people yearn for what you have—for that time alone with themselves, which their busy lives do not provide, but you have it so don't waste it wishing for something different.
Sure, time changes, and this shall too pass, but enjoy it while it lasts because, my dear, if you want, then you can find solace even in yourself, and if not, you won't find it even when you are surrounded by thousands of people. It just depends on how you choose to look at them.
Does it get better than this? Of course it does. College life is nothing if not a mix and match of unexpected surprises, romantic mistakes, and blooming love. Find your ride or die, download Idyll.