CUET 101: Your Ultimate Guide To Nailing It!

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If you're reading this, then it's most likely because you're about to give CUET in the coming months and feel utterly nervous about it. The dread of screwing up might be hanging over your head like a dark cloud.

So, assuming my statement is true, I'd like to preface everything by saying this: Chillax (I'm taking some creative liberty with that term, but you get the gist). There's no examination in this world that can't be cracked with a little bit of preparation and a whole lotta smart work.
This is obviously a stressful and unnerving time for you. So without adding to that pressure, I'd like to present a few easy-to-implement tips on how to prepare for 2024.
1. Know The Syllabus
Once you've chosen the subjects that you'll be appearing for (from all 3 sections namely- Language, Domain specific and the general test) in the CUET 2024 exam, you need to start looking for the syllabus of your respective subjects.

Domain-Specific Subjects
The game is made pretty easy for the Domain Specific Subjects- Master your Class 12th NCERT, which isn't that difficult considering you've already familiarized yourself with them during your boards.
This syllabus serves as the foundation for the exam and covers essential topics such as:
Reading comprehension (factual, narrative, and literary),
Verbal ability,
Rearranging parts,
Choosing the correct words,
Synonyms and Antonyms,

General Test
The CUET general test includes questions about:
General knowledge,
Current affairs,
Mental ability,
Numbers, and reasoning,
Logical and analytical reasoning
Basic math concepts, like arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, and statistics.
2. Know Your Enemy
And by that, I mean, the paper pattern. Your biggest enemy will turn into your best friend, once you learn everything about it. That is half the battle. Scope out all the information about the Number of questions, duration, section division, Negative Marking. This will give you a much-needed confidence boost as well.

Before sitting for the CUET exam, it's crucial for y'all to understand its pattern. The CUET UG exam pattern for 2024 includes the following sections:
Section IA: 13 Languages
Section IB: 19 Languages
Section II: 27 Domain-specific subjects
Section III: General Test
3. Make A Timetable
A very cliche yet incredibly important action to take. Trust me, being unorganized is going to send you into a self-induced panic attack at the last moment. Create a schedule up to the day before the examination, and religiously stick to it.
Here's how to make a comprehensive time table!
First, divide your study time among all your subjects, considering which ones need more attention.
Break down each subject into smaller parts and assign time to study each part.
Take regular breaks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Spread out your subjects evenly throughout the week.
Make sure to review and adjust your timetable as needed.
This way, you'll be well-prepared for each exam without feeling too stressed.
4. YouTube Over Coaching?
Now, y'all are no strangers to the concept of watching YouTube videos for last minute prep. Well, CUET prep demands the same. Instead of spending thousands of rupees on live coaching, I would advise you to go for YouTube online lessons. CUET Adda247, CUET Prep by Unacademy are a few of the many YouTube channels that provide a comprehensive series for the preparation of the same.
At the end of the day, though, how well online learning works for you depends on how you like to learn. Some students do better in regular classrooms with a teacher and classmates, while others like the freedom of learning online. It's all about what helps you learn best.
5. Know Your Books
Now, Can anyone really ace an examination without books? That would be a big No. Here's a list of well-reputed books that will prove to be your lifesavers!

Domain specific
They cover everything you need to know. Plus, they're NTA-approved, so you know they're legit. To make the most of NCERTs, use a highlighter to mark important parts, match your answers to their language, and create a personalized study guide. These books serve as comprehensive resources, helping you understand core concepts effectively.
Preparing for the English section in CUET is key, covering comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary. Here are some recommended books for CUET 2024, aligning with the latest NTA syllabus:
1. "Objective General English" by SP Bakshi
2. "English Grammar and Composition" by Arihant
3. "English is Easy" by BSC Publications
4. "English Grammar & Composition" by Wren and Martin
5. "Brush up Your English" by ST Imam

General Test
For General Test preparation, here's a lineup of recommended books:
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning: R.S. Aggarwal
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning: R.S. Aggarwal
Data Interpretation: Jaggan Saneja
General Knowledge: Arihant
Disha’s Rapid General Knowledge: Disha Experts
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination: RS Agarwal
Complete Mathematics: Lucent's Publication
Shortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams: Disha Experts
Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Exams: Abhijeet Gupta
With these resources, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the CUET exam with confidence!
6. PYQ's To Save Your Day
It's recommended that you practice the last five years' question papers. This can provide valuable insights into the exam's pattern and question formats. By reviewing previous questions, you can identify which subjects carry significant weight and which topics might offer opportunities for scoring well.
These resources offer the perfect way to know your weaknesses. By working through these materials, you can develop effective strategies for tackling the actual exam.
In a nutshell, getting hands-on with question papers, sample tests, and mock exams is key to acing your prep game. It's not just about getting a feel for the exam setup, but also about fine-tuning your strategies to nail it come exam day.
7. Bonus Tip
Keep your mind clear by clearing doubts and sticking to updated study materials. And remember, breaks aren't just okay; they're necessary. So, pause, breathe, maybe solve a puzzle or jam to some tunes, and then dive back in!

So, if you're getting ready for CUET 2024, don't stress too much! Just chill and follow some easy steps. First, know your subjects and check out the exam pattern. Make a study schedule to stay organized and take regular breaks. YouTube can be your study buddy, with channels like CUET Adda247 and CUET Prep by Unacademy.
Don't forget your trusty sidekicks—the NCERT books. Highlight important stuff and use it to understand key concepts. And hey, practice with past papers! It's like a sneak peek into what's coming. With these tricks, CUET won't be a mountain too high to climb. Good luck!
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