Master DU End Sem Exams with a 30-Day Study Plan

So much to do and less time to accomplish! I guess we all can relate to that right now. After such a wonderful week of Diwali break, the work we were postponing “after Diwali” has arrived.
None of us have come down from the euphoria of festivities yet. Amid all this commotion, we forgot one thing: end semester exams.
I am sure there were many of us who thought they would start studying after the break, but surprise, after the break has arrived, and now it's time for some action.
Now, with the precious ‘all the time in the world’ we have left, it's time to get to work. I am sure we all thought this time we would ace the semester and complete all our syllabus months before, yet here we are.
While completing your syllabus within 30 days might sound like a hassle, don’t worry—you can still ace your end-of-semester exams by following these tips on how to study for them effectively in 30 days.
Table Of Contents:
Mind Maps
Do not dive into making notes now, given the time left is crucial. Try to ask your friends or refer to the Slickthe Slick App for the class notes. Instead, you can make mind maps for each topic.
They are easy to learn and help you revise during the exams. They are the perfect short summary of your topic. You can make them according to your convenience, and they will allow you to do quick revisions during breaks.
Don’t detail it too much; mention only brief points about your topic. Highlight the important points and try to make it in a way that is easy for you to understand.

You can use apps like Google Jamboard or Canva to create all your mind maps effectively and keep them in one place.
If you are still having trouble with this, you can read the official resources and books of the subject available on DU as well as your college website. These will provide you with all the necessary data and details in one place.
And as a bonus, they even have in-text questions and glossaries to make things even better, providing you with both questions and answers in one place.
PYQ’s and Class Tests
Do not leave PYQ’s for the last minute because it's high time you tackle them now. It will make things easier during the exam break as you will have all the answers to the questions in one place.
If you start them one day before the exam, it will create a lot of chaos and only demotivate you if you can't get the answers right. So, it’s better to solve them now when you have both resources and time. You can get all the PYQ’s from the official DU website.

Don’t forget to go through your class tests once in a while. They will help you recognize important topics and the types of questions that might get asked.
Ask your teachers for guidance if you face any difficulties, and take their advice on important parts of your subject. You can even try redoing your tests. They will boost your confidence and point out mistakes to learn from—better to learn from mistakes during the test and not the actual exam, right?!
Subject Management
Divide your subjects into three categories: easy, medium, and hard. Once you have divided them, start with the hard subjects, then move on to medium, and finish with the easy ones.
Switch between them every once in a while. For the first 15-20 days, it is important to make a timetable and follow it religiously. During these initial days, when motivation is highest, you can get things done easily.
Divide your time between practical and theoretical portions. After every theory session, include a practical one. This way, you won’t get bored or sleepy with theory, and the practical part will get its time.
Leave the last 10 days for revision, focusing on PYQ’s, tests, and mind maps. On average, if you dedicate 3 days to each subject, you can complete them all within 21 days, leaving you with an extra week for revision.
Don’t try to tackle everything one day before the exam. It will only impact your confidence negatively and add fuel to your exam anxiety.
During the exam break, stay calm and revise with everything you have prepared. At this time, your timetable and notes will be invaluable. Be thorough with the PYQ’s and pay attention to any topics your teachers have marked as important.
Time management is the most common advice, yet students often struggle due to exam anxiety and pressure. It’s crucial to create a detailed timetable and allocate enough days for each subject to excel.
Focus on Your Health
It’s easy to overburden yourself and work to exhaustion. Please don’t do that.
Eat three meals a day, do some exercise, and stay hydrated. Try to meditate in the morning. This time is crucial for everyone, and it’s important to look after your health. After all, no one can afford to get sick now, right? (And let’s not forget that chilly winter is also approaching.)
Keep your calm, don’t overthink, and tackle all your exams with sheer determination and confidence. Have faith in yourself—you can do it!
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