Choosing GE, SEC, and VAC Electives at DU: A Freshers' Guide

Choosing GE, SEC, and VAC Electives at DU: A Freshers' Guide
Choosing GE, SEC, and VAC Electives at DU: A Freshers' Guide

Hello freshers so, you finally made it to Delhi university, passed the stressful exam, enrolled in your desired course and started college life but wait, you got a mail to choose your electives and fill out the form.

What are the electives? Is there something else to study other than your core subject? The answer is yes, there are things you have to study!

What Are Electives?

So basically, there are four additional subjects in Delhi university other than your main subjects. These are GE (generic elective), SEC (skill enhancement course), VAC (value-added course) and AEC (ability enhancement course).

These are the four electives out of 3 that college give you multiple option to choose from, whereas AEC is a non-negotiable subject that you have to study during your graduation years, while SEC and VAC are subjects that enhance your credit score and percentile, and lastly, your GE this is something that is as important as your core subject due to its higher credit points compared to the rest of elective subjects.

ge sec vac du
What Are Electives?

How To Choose The Right GE?

Well choosing your generic elective can be a little tricky as it is a crucial subject and plays an important role to give you additional knowledge, high credit points and also give you a minor degree if you fulfill the eligibility criteria.

Things to keep in mind while choosing your GE
  • Personal interest: Studies shows that people who make choices based on their interest are more likely to get ahead than those who do not, It become important for you to choose the subject that you are interested in.
  • Career Goals: As GE plays a vital role from your future perspective, it is important to opt for a subject that aligns with your future goals in order to make your future journey smooth and clear.
  • Course availability: It happens a lot of time that the subject you look for is not on the list and college gives you some limited subject Here, it become important to not rush on to choose a random one but go for the closest similar subject out of your interest.
  • Faculty expertise: choose a subject taught by experienced faculty members, as it gives you a broader knowledge of that particular subject.
  • Preference list: Sometimes students choose their most interested subject as their first preference and fill out the remaining 3 preferences randomly. They then make a blunder and regret it later because it is not necessary that you get your first preference all the time to avoid the mistake Make sure you fill out the preference list accordingly.
  • Eligibility criteria: While choosing the subject, it is important to read about the eligibility criteria, as it happens sometimes that you might find the subject interesting and also know the basics, but you cannot opt for the subject due to the eligibility criteria.

How To Choose The Right VAC & SEC?

Well choosing VAC and SEC is not as hard as GE it is quite easy and less important. it's not about learning a lot but gaining some additional practical knowledge and being more likely to score on a subject.

Yes, it is really something that can increase your semester percentile without a lot of trouble and work.

How To Choose The Right VAC & SEC?
Things to keep in mind while choosing your VAC and SEC
  • Less hectic: While being a college student, it become challenging to manage everything once like core subject's, webinars, seminars, internships, societies, etc. It is necessary to go easy with electives; look for a subject which is less time-consuming.
  • Scoring subject: Believe it or not, there are some subjects that can increase your SGPA without requiring a lot of efforts, It become crucial to read the syllabus of each subject carefully.
  • Go through the syllabus: While choosing the easiest subject for VAC and SEC, it is helpful to go through the syllabus as it gives you a brief introduction to what you are going to do throughout the semester.
  • Availability of resources: Usually students do not take classes seriously throughout the semester and during exams they blank out as they have no resources for that subject, neither online nor offline. Here, it become crucial to check the availability of resources for that particular subject in your college or online before opting for it.
  • Select courses with lighter workload: There are lot of subjects from some departments that do not require a lot of work and assignments, and it will help you to focus on your other important subjects.
  • Student review: It is important to take feedback from your seniors or the students who have already read the subject before; it gives you a clear understanding of the difficulty level and quality of knowledge of that subject.
  • Faculty expertise: Go for the subject taught by experienced faculty members, as it will become easier for you to attend.
Want to know more about Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)? Check out our guide by clicking here!

Factors To Consider

1. Interest: Choose a subject that aligns with your passions and interests.
2. Career goals: Select a subject that complements your future career plans or field of study.
3. Skill development: opt for a subject that helps you develop new skills or enhances existing ones.
4. Workload: Consider the assignment load and ensure it fits with your overall course schedule.
5. Assessment style: Choose a subject with an assessment style that suits your learning style (e.g., exams, projects, presentations).
6. Availability: Ensure the subject is offered at a time that fits your schedule.
7. Prerequisites: Check if the subject has any prerequisites or requirements.
8. Credit value: Consider the credit value of the subject and how it contributes to your overall degree.
9. Faculty expertise: Choose a subject taught by experienced faculty members.
10. Student reviews: Research student reviews and feedback to gauge the subject's quality and difficulty.

By considering these standards, you can make an informed decision when choosing an elective subject that suits your needs and goals.


When choosing an elective subject, consider your interests, career plans, and learning style to ensure a good fit. Also, think about the workload, assessment style, review, and faculty department. By weighing these factors, you can make an informed and suitable decision for yourself that enhances your academic experience and supports your future plans.

GE is important; choose it wisely and continue it throughout graduation in order to get your minor degree and for VAC and SEC, choose what aligns with your lifestyle and can give you some rest.

A good decision is one that is made with wisdom of experiences, the clarity of purpose, and the courage of conviction.

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