Survivor Guide: Wisdom You Need From Your Senior ✔

Survivor Guide: Wisdom From A Senior
Survivor Guide: Wisdom From A Senior

In a world full of young and youthful people, we have some seniors from whom we can seek advice and guidance from. They have certain experiences, thoughts and traits which we can acquire from them.

As the quote goes- "My hair is grey not due to exposure to sunlight. It is grey from years of experience." So, we can gain suggestions and advice from them which is beneficial for us in many ways.

Embracing Changes

Seniors embrace changes, as we already know how many changes they have seen in their lives, from technology to items of clothing. They have seen many types of changes, from sending letters to typing text. They have all come a long way. From dengue to COVID-19, they have seen many changes. We should remember that having an open mind and optimism to accept changes, live life and enjoy that life is the quality we all should have.

Embracing changes

Continuous Learning

We have seen that many senior people never stop learning; they always try to learn things or adapt to new technology.  They have known typing as typists, but with time, many of them learned to type on computers and phones. They also adapt with time and try to learn things which they don't know.

They never stop learning from reading newspapers to Learning how to use a phone. They always try to learn something new. Learning should never be stopped; knowledge enhances your skills and mindset it's one of the skills or traits which we can learn from our seniors

wisdom from senior
Continuous learning

Valuing relationship

As we already know, the previous generation or the seniors valued their relationship with the people. They know the importance of a relationship. They know life is not all about ourselves or our perspectives, our life sometimes belongs to the people in whose surroundings we group up and start our journey and life. This relationship can be of any type like sister-in-law, father-in-law, wife or any. They value their relations with others and try to stand up with them when they need help. It is one of the qualities which shows how well-behaved and mature people they are we can learn from them they teach us to spend time and love the people around us which is the big investment that yields us the most significant return.

wisom from senior
Valuing relationship

Staying Positive

This is one of the qualities which I also admire. They always try to be positive and calm in difficult situations. They have gone through a lot, and their learning and positivity towards the situation and life are commendable. It could teach us that we can't control the weather but we at least can adjust our sails. So, staying positive and calm in the situation which we all can learn as a quality which can help us in our bright future.

Wisdom from seniors
Staying positive

Drawing Inspiration

We can get inspiration from the most unexpected places, music and people so seniors are also one of them which can Inspire us to many extent. The inspiration could be anything, it could be the way they talk to us, it could be the old music they listen to which relaxes the heart, it could be the way they treat people, their smile and the story they share with us, the way they praise us if we do something good. They can inspire us in many ways through their qualities, skills or their work so yes we could get inspired from them and learn from them.

wisdom from senior
Drawing Inspiration

Living With Purpose

Many seniors talk about having a vision or purpose in their life. They have gone through many hurdles and situations and they know having a purpose in life can be a great asset for a person. They also understand that true fulfilment comes from aligning with a great purpose which can be beneficial for you, whether the purpose is your career, contributing to the community, doing something you love or leaving a legacy behind for your future generation.

Living with purpose is very important for a person to understand himself and grow and yes, seniors inspire us to live with intention and purpose in life, recognizing that every moment is filled with an opportunity. This is another one of the qualities which we can learn from our seniors

wisom from senior
Living With Purpose

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of the things we forget on a daily basis. We sometimes or many times forget to acknowledge and show gratitude towards the most important person. We sometimes get harsh on the people who are more important to us.

Practicing gratitude is a cornerstone of senior philosophy, serving as an antidote to problems and challenges which we face in our lives. So practicing or applying gratitude in your life could let you feel joy and contempt in life for simple pleasures. Whether it's home-cooked food, a person helping in your tough period, or the sun ray which lets you feel the warmth, seniors remind us to show gratitude towards the people and to appreciate the surroundings. In a world full of complexity and competition, gratitude serves as a reminder that we are richer than we realized.

Practicing gratitude

Embracing Self-Care

Self-care is also one of the traits in the seniors which they get after going through a lot of hardship, self-discovery and reflection. Self-care is also a very important perspective of human life. Seniors know how to embrace themselves.

They focus on themselves without thinking of what other people are saying. Whether they do it through meditation, listening to music or doing things that they like or do it through their physical health such as exercise and proper nutrient intake it depends on them. So self-care is also one of the important traits which we can see in our seniors and reflect from them.

wisom from seniors
Embracing self-care

Finding Joy In Simple Pleasures

We sometimes want big things in our lives, and we can be thirsty to achieve them. To some extent, we forget the joy of doing the thing we used to like or the pleasure we used to get. We sometimes want so much material wealth, reward and status that we forget whether that material reward is making us happy or not. We forget about the simplest joy of life or the pleasure we used to get in doing small things.

This trait we can reflect on and see in our seniors is that for them joy is the simplest pleasure that money or material reward can't buy. A stroll in nature and a heart full of conversation with a friend spending time with the people they love, or the laughter of grandchildren and playing with their grandchildren as if they are themselves children. Senior shows us that happiness lies not in the accumulation of possessions but in the richness of experience and connection. This is another one of the traits which we can see in our seniors.

Wisdom from seniors
Finding joy in simple pleasures

Respecting People

Today, people kind of forget how to respect people and their perspectives. If someone has a different opinion and perspective than us, we start disrespecting them. I am not talking about all people but some of them. Showing respect is one of the traits which we see in our seniors—the way they respect people and how they talk politely with people without showing any arrogance.

We should learn from them that we should be polite and respectful towards people. Another quote goes like this: Give respect and take respect If you give someone respect, they will also respect you. Respect is not something we buy; instead, we earn it through the way we talk and through the way we behave. So, this is also one of the traits which we can see in our seniors.

wisdom from advice
Respecting People


In conclusion, I will just say seniors have so many qualities and traits that I can’t just describe in words; they have so many traits and qualities out of which some I have already discussed. so, I love quotes as you have already seen so again a quote goes like diamonds can only be found or treasured by the jewellers.

If you have good eyes like that of a jewellers, I mean really good eyes you can find some of the qualities yourself in seniors or through conversation with them. Seniors are also some of the most important people in our lives and drastically can make changes in our lives through their experience we can also learn many things and we can also acquire their traits and skills which we like for our betterment.

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